Courses to learn the skills to change the world
Free and at your own pace
Featured Courses
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Everything to think about. Everything to create.
As recommended by…
Tried and true experiences in the real world
Doing things in a new way.

Salvador Allende
Introduction to Cybersyn
We’ve all got to start somewhere.

Karl Marx
Introduction to Marxism
Local and international solidarity.

Organizing Principles
Only a worldwide socialist revolution can overcome the capitalist environmental crisis. Cuba has already experienced it. And knows some of the solutions.

Fidel Castro
Food Security and Community Building

Available to all. You just have to register.
Money-Back Guarantee
Actually, all free. Pass it on. Each one teach one.
Access On Mobile And TV
We have resources on our YouTube channel and others are available online here.
Certificate Of Completion
If you like. Or just knowing the skills is enough.
Downloadable Resources
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